I have broccoli rabe. I have cannellini beans. What can I make that marries the two?

Allie C
  • Posted by: Allie C
  • September 21, 2010


cookbookchick September 23, 2010
Beans and greens! In a little olive oil, saute lots of chopped garlic and some chopped bacon until bacon is half-cooked (not crisp). I use pepper bacon -- with plain bacon, add pepper. (You could use pancetta or prosciutto instead of bacon.) Add to the pan chopped, blanched broccoli rabe and/or escarole, along with a can or two of cannellini beans and some salt. Cook for another 10 minutes or so until the ingredients come together nicely. Good as a side if you can bear to share it!
Sherri September 22, 2010
Just received a load of broccoli rabe from my CSA and not sure what to do with it. Many recipes don't sound that appealing, but the answers above seems delicious. Thanks.
melissav September 21, 2010
Definitely adding some anchovies next time. Thanks Thirschfeld.
pierino September 21, 2010
I am so totally down with both of these answers! I would skip the tomatoes, but I do like the anchovy contribution. Just use good anchovies.
thirschfeld September 21, 2010
the above answer is dead on, I sometimes add one or two anchovies as well

Voted the Best Reply!

melissav September 21, 2010
saute up some shallots and garlic with the broccoli rabe in a little olive oil. Season with S&P and red pepper flakes. Once the broccoli is almost done, add a bunch of halved grape tomatoes. Saute for another minute or so and then add the beans and some chicken broth. Let simmer for a few minutes and serve. Excellent topped with a piece of protein.
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