want hot fudge recipe with brown sugar that is grainy

a small ice cream shop made it that way years ago and it was soooo good

KathPath Riche
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

creamtea March 7, 2018
Here is Deb Perelman's recipe for a hot fudge sauce that uses brown sugar https://smittenkitchen.com/2017/06/best-hot-fudge-sauce/. Here is one from Stella Parks : https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2011/09/homemade-hersheys-syrup-chocolate-syrup-sundaes-chocolate-milk-recipe.htmlHere is another one from Brown Eyed Baker: https://www.browneyedbaker.com/homemade-hot-fudge-sauce-recipe/ I haven't tried either. If you use good quality chocolate you'll have good flavor. The grainy quality I can't answer to, usually the aim is to obtain a smooth sauce. I suppose if there is a way to allow the sweeteners to crystallize but someone else may chime in...
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