What to do with barkTHINS?

I got a bag of dark chocolate almond barkTHINS for a gift but don't love snacking on them. Could I chop them up and use them in baking?

  • Posted by: Alyssa
  • October 14, 2018


ktr October 15, 2018
I have never had them but I'd try them crumbled over ice cream for a crunchy topping.
Alyssa October 16, 2018
Good idea!
Ttrockwood October 15, 2018
I think they would be great for chocolate chip cookies-or whatever your favorite cookie is that has chocolate
Pegeen October 14, 2018
Good points from everyone!
Pegeen October 14, 2018
Seems like a vendor looking for free promotion.
Nancy October 14, 2018
Could be. But/and sometimes the site just repeats an item on its own (gremlin? glitch?)
702551 October 14, 2018
If the person asking the question had just signed up today, that might be the case but this person has been registered at Food52 for nearly two years.

If I recall correctly she has asked other questions before regarding other topics so I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

These days I look at a person's profile to see if they signed up the same day. Too many spammers, hustlers, and drive-by posters these days. Not just here at Food52 but pretty much everywhere on the Internet.

Anyhow best of luck to her.
Alyssa October 16, 2018
Ha! Nope.
Nancy October 14, 2018
Depends on how much you don't like the taste.
Give away at Halloween?
Chop & use in choc chip cookies, mud pie or hot cocoa.
Chop & use on something you like - ice cream, pound cake, etc.
BerryBaby October 14, 2018
I've made chocolate bars into a sort of trail mix....break the chocolate into pieces, add favorite nuts, coconut, or dried fruit. Makes it a little more interesting to snack on. BB💐
702551 October 14, 2018
Have you checked the manufacturer's website? Sometimes they have suggestions for usage including recipes.
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