Good sides to pair with maple glazed chicken resipie

looking for something that might pair well with my chicken that's on the sweet and savory side of things

  • Posted by: kelson
  • January 17, 2019


Miss_Karen January 19, 2019
Couscous with onions & garlic & the zest of one orange
PHIL January 18, 2019
Nancy has some great options, especially the Brussels sprouts. Roasted or mashed sweet potatoes would be my choice to go with the veggies, or if you prefer regular potatoes. Roasted rainbow carrots too
Nancy January 17, 2019
Two ideas, each of which works with the maple chicken and may make a meal:
1) bitter or strong tasting vegetables to contrast with the sweet (broccoil rabe, brussels sprouts, radishes, cabbage, kale, dandelion greens, arugula)
2) corn in some format...goes well with the maple (not a contrast). Kernels, polenta, cornbread.
Good luck and please let us know what you served.
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