I have a question about Emily C's Peanut Butter sheet cake.

I am wondering about the texture, mine came out course textured, not dense but not soft either. Taste is good. Would love to see a cut slice if anyone had posted this anywhere. Also, if this texture is not as it should be, would like Emily to suggest what might be off. I followed her very clear and specific instructions!

  • Posted by: mbobden
  • February 3, 2019


Hana A. February 7, 2019
Yes, I did use a different frosting this time (but normally use the one called for in the recipe). It was the sweet potato (!) chocolate frosting that's also a popular one on our site: https://food52.com/recipes/62294-school-party-sheet-cake - whatever you do, don't forget the sprinkles ;)
Hana A. February 4, 2019
Hi MBobden and Emily!

I've had the great fortune of making this cake many times now, and most recently managed to capture an interior shot:


Like Emily said, it is light but moist... I have a tendency to underbake my cakes a smidge, so perhaps that will help make your cake turn out a bit less dry next time. Just an idea!
mbobden February 6, 2019
This was so helpful, seeing your texture helps, mine did look like this but drier. I will do again and take out sooner. Your frosting looked dark and fudgy, do you use the one in the recipe. Mine came out great but lighter in color.
EmilyC February 4, 2019
Hi there! Unfortunately I don't have a picture of a cut slice. The texture of the cake is typically pretty light and moist, but it's definitely not as fine textured as some cakes. Did you use volume or weight measurements? (Too much flour could cause a coarse texture.) And was your cake dry? If so, then maybe you baked it a bit too long? Definitely try it on Day 2--you may find that you like the texture (and flavor!) better after it sits. Hope this helps a little bit!
mbobden February 4, 2019
Thank you for helpful response. I weighed. Yes on dry side, I pulled it out at 25 min after my first test, it was already done. It probably was over already. I used the william sonoma goldtouch pan for first time, maybe cakes cook faster in those pans. Oven temp is accurate. The cake tasted great, will do again and take out sooner.
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