Best container or material to store in freezer single size portions. everything gets freezer burn. yes i kow to cool off first in refridge, fill con
things like soup, rice grains, - can cooked fish be frozen? chicken? Pizza?
Lori T.July 23, 2019
I agree with Gammy, because the best method I've found for freezing things is to use my vacuum sealer. You can make your own bags in the sizes you require, as well, using rolls of the material. If you are careful opening them, you can also often reuse a bag after it is washed and dried. I also use the "zip" type vacuum bags that utilize a handheld version and a special port, for things I know won't be frozen for a long time, say more than a month or so. There are companies who make generic versions of both bags and materials, so you should shop around and not feel limited to those made by the manufacturer of the sealer itself. For more liquid items, I generally freeze those in smaller shallow containers. Once the contents are solid, it's easy to pop them out, into a vacuum bag, vacuum and seal, and return to the freezer. It's easier that way than trying to juggle a bag of liquid without spilling. I also use silicone muffin cup liners which fit the "Texas" size pan to hold portions of rice, veggies, etc- and once frozen, easy to bag and seal. Silicone pans, liners, and ice cube trays come in really handy to freeze stuff and then let go of the contents. The unit to seal can be a bit of an investment, but it's worth it in the long run. You can also seal up other pantry items you want to keep dry and safe from things like pantry moths.
GammyJuly 23, 2019
I love my vacuum sealer for freezing items! To be honest, I do probably use more zipper closure bags, but as there are only 2 of us at home, many times there is cooked rice, an extra cooked chicken breast, etc. that go into the freezer for use within a month. Back to the vacuum sealer... it is excellent for longer term storage when portioning out large packages of meats... think family size packs of steaks, ribs, chicken, fish. and stores foods without allowing them to freezer burn as all the extra air has been removed. Some foods work best if they are first frozen for a couple hours or overnight before sealing up, especially if soft and/or juicy. You can even freeze soups if they are frozen first, then removed from their container and vacuum sealed. I have broken down 5 pound bags of pecans into 1 pound parcels and they last almost forever. Most baked goods, like bread or rolls, won't work, even if frozen first, there is not enough structure to hold the shape against the vacuum pressure, but frozen peanut butter pie tarts worked fine. The bag material is not inexpensive, but an internet search led me to an off brand that is easily half the price of the brand name. I can vouch that their bag material is just as good.
LizBeth415July 22, 2019
Hello Sherry.
What I have found with freezing things like: cooked meat, broth, soup, veggies is that the smaller portion sizes seem to hold up the best. I freeze my food in the snack size bags and then put them in a larger Freezer bag. For instance, one gallon size bag could hold 4 snack bags of whatever. You should put the date that you froze the items on them as well as the contents. I store the older bags on top so that you use them up first. I also make sure the bags are pretty full when you freeze them. When you are ready to use the food, I defrost them slightly in a hot bowl of water. I have found this technique to work pretty well for me and I can use up the older items first. Hope this is helpful!
What I have found with freezing things like: cooked meat, broth, soup, veggies is that the smaller portion sizes seem to hold up the best. I freeze my food in the snack size bags and then put them in a larger Freezer bag. For instance, one gallon size bag could hold 4 snack bags of whatever. You should put the date that you froze the items on them as well as the contents. I store the older bags on top so that you use them up first. I also make sure the bags are pretty full when you freeze them. When you are ready to use the food, I defrost them slightly in a hot bowl of water. I have found this technique to work pretty well for me and I can use up the older items first. Hope this is helpful!
WendyJuly 22, 2019
Hi Sherry,
My experience with freezing has taught me the following: air inside bag or container and temperature fluctuation are the true enemies of long freezer life.
If you are opening your freezer a few times per day vs using a chest freezer that you may open a couple of times a week will offer very different outcomes.
You are much more likely to have freezer burn if you are freezing small portions in an often opened freezer so the competency of your freezer containers or bags may not be the issue at all. I am sure you know how to properly fill containers to not leave too much air and to use the appropriate sized container or bag for items you wish to freeze.
Dare I hazard a guess that you have at least one teenager?
I thought my refrigerator and freezer didn’t work properly until my son went away to university. The frustrating thing is that when you have kids at home you really NEED your freezer and when they gone it’s not as important.
My experience with freezing has taught me the following: air inside bag or container and temperature fluctuation are the true enemies of long freezer life.
If you are opening your freezer a few times per day vs using a chest freezer that you may open a couple of times a week will offer very different outcomes.
You are much more likely to have freezer burn if you are freezing small portions in an often opened freezer so the competency of your freezer containers or bags may not be the issue at all. I am sure you know how to properly fill containers to not leave too much air and to use the appropriate sized container or bag for items you wish to freeze.
Dare I hazard a guess that you have at least one teenager?
I thought my refrigerator and freezer didn’t work properly until my son went away to university. The frustrating thing is that when you have kids at home you really NEED your freezer and when they gone it’s not as important.
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