Anyone tried doubling this recipe? Braises don't always work well when I scale them.

Thinking of doubling or scaling up recipe. I have found that braises often don't always need to double the liquid. Anyone else tried this? I would think I would use 4-5 lb. of meat and add veggies in that proportion as well? I have a 7qt Staub dutch oven, so I should have adequate room. Is the meat submerged?

S Denn
  • Posted by: S Denn
  • November 20, 2019
Beef Bourguignon
Recipe question for: Beef Bourguignon


PHIL November 22, 2019
agreed , you can always add liquid if needed.
boulangere November 20, 2019
You are correct: in scaling up a braise, it isn't necessary to double the amount of liquid. The meat should be submerged, and be generous with the vegetables. They'll add significant flavor.
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