Hi I have Tried! To make #3 different Gingerbread recipes and all 3-came out Sticky.n.Gooey! And I followed all Direction PLEASE! HELP What I Do Wrong

I'm a Semi New Grandma and she loves my linzer cookies so much that she just asked me to make gingerbread cookies and ugh πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ I'm kind of heartbroken because they're not coming out the way the Food Network Cooking Online/YouTube Videos show and as I said before I followed step by step directions So I'm just Ugh!!! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ And I would Greatly!!! Appreciate!! all your Help!!! THANK You! πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

  • Posted by: MzBrea
  • December 22, 2019
  • 1 Comment
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Lori T. December 22, 2019
Not knowing exactly which recipes you have used makes it a little difficult to help you pinpoint exactly where the trouble lies. However, I will wager a guess that the problem is that you need just a tad more flour. When you first mix up your gingerbread dough, it can look like there's plenty there. But during the chilling time, the flour has a chance to absorb the liquid more fully- and you can end up with sticky dough you can't work with. So the fix is fairly simple- you just work in a little more flour. You want to add enough that your dough is still a little sticky when touched with bare hands, but not the gooey mess you have pictured. Then wrap and chill it again, and you should have dough suitable for cutting out. It's also easier to roll gingerbread cookie- or other rolled cookie dough- between two parchment sheets. Then remove the top sheet, cut out your shapes far enough apart for baking, and remove the excess dough between the shapes. Shift the parchment to your baking sheet, and bake as directed. You don't risk dismembering a gingerbread person or warping them out of shape that way. Don't try this with the dough you have pictured though, until you've got a little more flour added in and chilled. Dough that is too wet will puff and spread out of shape. See if you can find a recipe based on weights, rather than cup measures too. That is a big help with baking stuff like this.
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