Cocktail Book Recommendation! Looking for a fun book to add to our collection

My husband’s birthday is coming up and we’ve been experimenting a lot with using up liquor in our liquor cabinet during this quarantine time! Would love to know if anyone has some great cocktail book recommendations — one that has equal parts challenging and exciting recipes but also your classics. Thanks in advance!

Caroline Sullivan


HalfPint April 29, 2020
David Lebovitz has recently released a cocktail book called "Drinking French". He has also been posting Instagram Live sessions making some of the cocktails in his new book. Check out the videos if you want to get feel for the book.
Nancy April 29, 2020
Caroline - hard to know what to recommend without knowing what's already on your shelves, so if you have all these already, wait for other suggestions.
Two general guides for and by bartenders, usable at home. Like a Joy of Cooking or H2 Cook Everything for Drinks.
One original American cocktail book from mid 19th century. A classic, good history and still usable today.
One book on 6 drinks that changed the world (mostly history and stories), includes beer, wine and spirits as 3 of the 6.
Everything Bartenders Book
Bartenders Bible 1001 Mixed Drinks
How to Mix Drinks, or the Bon Vivant's Companion by Jerry Thomas
History of the World in 6 Glasses
Nancy April 29, 2020
PS Have a look at this article, which mentions many good books - recommended by people BEHIND the bar as helping them the most.
Collates titles I've heard about, some used, some not yet.
Caroline S. April 29, 2020
Thanks, Nancy! We have a ton of cookbooks but no cocktail books, so all of these suggestions are great!
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