Can u refrigerate dough and bake the next day?

Making them tonite-or else tomorrow morning if they can't b refrigrated

Susan B
  • Posted by: Susan B
  • December 20, 2020
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

AntoniaJames July 22, 2021
Yes, you certainly can refrigerate this dough to bake the next day, or the next, or the next.

I make a similar cookie every year - and have since I was a teenager -- and learned (most likely during the years when my boys were small, so just about all my holiday baking took place after they were asleep, over several evenings) that most cookie doughs can be refrigerated, for shaping the next day or later. In fact, many cookies taste better after the dough has been chilled in the refrigerator a few days, as the resting period allows the flavors to develop.

Another tip: Store the dough in a square or rectangular box. After removing it from the fridge, use a sharp knife to cut the dough block into roughly equal-sized cubes. That makes shaping much easier - a real advantage for a recipe like this, where shaping this many cookies can take longer than mixing the dough! ;o)
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