How to cook 1lb boneless leg of lamb

Butcher was kind enough to give me a 1lb portion. It's too small to roll and roast. How else can I cook it? Should I brine the lamb?

  • Posted by: jayah
  • March 30, 2021


HalfPint March 30, 2021
I make a paste with: mint, cilantro, parsley, olive oil, salt, pepper, onion, and garlic. Slather paste on the lamb. Marinate overnight and grill. Slice up and serve with pita, salad.
HalfPint March 30, 2021
Also, a tablespoon cumin to the paste.
jayah March 30, 2021
Argh! No grill! Can I oven roast it w/o it drying out? Maybe 20 min?
HalfPint March 30, 2021
Yes, I think you can roast it, low & slow (maybe 275F). Since it's only 1lb, I can't see it taking much longer than an hour. Internal temp of 130-135 F for medium doneness.
MMH March 30, 2021
You can also use a grill pan. We grill to medium rare 125 degrees marinated in herbs, garlic and plenty of olive oil.
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