The baking projects at the top of your list

The list of pastries we'd love to make is constantly growing—but finding the time to tackle new recipes or techniques can be tough. So, with the weekend upon us, we thought: What better time for a bit of baking inspiration? Whether it's mastering macarons ( or making Niloufer Ichaporia King's incredible cardamon cake (, what are the baking projects at the top of your list?

Emily Kochman


HalfPint April 27, 2021
Filipino Cassava cake. I was reminded how absolutely delicious it was this past weekend, at my cousin's baby's 1st birthday party.
Emily K. April 27, 2021
So delicious!
Happygoin April 23, 2021
I think I’m going with a David Leibovitz recipe for anise-flavored cookies maybe with hazelnuts. I just saw it on his blog and it’s supposed to be rainy, windy Sunday...a good time to bake!
Emily K. April 23, 2021
Yum! Sounds like an ideal rainy Sunday afternoon to us. Happy baking, Happygoin!
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