Help me make a pudding recipe dairy free

The recipe is from Tartine's cookbook for chocolate pudding. I am thinking of using dairy free milk for the cow's milk. Any tips or admonitions?

Stephanie G


drbabs June 16, 2021
This is my go-to chocolate pudding recipe. The author says you can use coconut and cashew milks; I've used almond. It's delicious and super easy.
Stephanie G. June 13, 2021
Interesting. Thanks!
Nancy June 13, 2021
I've made dairy free chocolate mousse many times with avocado instead of heavy cream. Both taste and texturenare very good.
As most non-dairy milks are low fat, I would add a small amount of avocado (perhaps after any cooking) to improve taste and mouthfeel.
Nancy June 14, 2021
Reading the Tartine recipe later, I see it already has whipping or heavy cream.
You could use avocado to replace all that cream, just don't cook it with the milk. Rather, cook the chocolate and non-dairy milk, let cool, later blend in avocado, chill again, serve.
Stephanie G. June 14, 2021
Thanks for the update.
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