Pine Mouth!
Has anyone ever been afflicted by or known anyone afflicted by "pine mouth"? In case you are not familiar, it is something that can be contracted by eating pine nuts and the symptoms are a chemical/metallic taste for 5-10 days, every time you eat something!
It is possibly the worst side effect I've ever had from eating/drinking, I would dare say food poisoning included.
My question: If you have had it, do you still eat pine nuts? Is there a sure fire way to eat pine nuts and not run the risk? I love them but I'm scared to eat them ever again.
I had pine nut mouth years ago (awful for about a week) and I think the symptom onset for both of us who ate the bad batch was about 24 h, so if you are still tasting everything normally your pine nuts are probably fine. I have read that toasting does NOT destroy the problematic compound.
Sometimes I can't find them, except in the bulk section.
I substitute walnuts or sunflower seeds depending on the application.
I actually like the toasted sunflower seeds better on salad application and the
Absurdly Addictive Asparagus recipe posted on this site.
I don't know if I've just had bad luck , or am especially sensitive to nut rancidity, but since I've found most supermarket pine nuts to taste slightly rancid I've used walnuts in my pesto genovese. It tastes great to me, with the added benefit of being less expensive.
Still don't know if I can bring myself to eat them again even though this was about 8 months ago.
More good news, from Wikipedia:
"The Nestle Research Centre has hypothesized that a particular species of Chinese pine nuts, Pinus armandii, is the cause of the problem. The suspect species of pine nuts are smaller, duller, and more rounded than typical pine nuts. This finding has recently been confirmed."