Did you receive my submission for sandwich contest?

I was just wondering if there was any way to check the status of a recipe I submitted for the contest. I didn't receive any confirmation when I submitted it and I don't see it on the current entries page. Can you let me know if you received it?



Emily K. May 12, 2022
Hi there! Thanks so much for checking in with us. It doesn't look like it's been published (or submitted to the contest) quite yet — could you give it another try following these steps? https://support.food52.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052173074-How-do-I-submit-a-recipe-to-a-contest-

Let us know if you have any trouble! We're always happy to help via [email protected] :).
One more question before I do it all again....when I type the name of it "Shrimp Francese Sandwich" in the search bar, it tells me that there is 1 result found, but that recipe doesn't show up. Can that be that it is pending and just didn't get approved yet?
Emily K. May 12, 2022
Just checked and see that you were able to publish and submit the recipe! It could be that you were experiencing a big of a lag — glad to see it's all good now!
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