Current contest lack of interest

Come on people....the current contest has been active for over 3 weeks and there are just 6 entries. The contests are about the only way that regular community members can be recognized....I think they'll end soon if we all don't participate and that would be sad......



zoemetro U. January 3, 2020
Hi INPATSKITCHEN, I never even saw the contest. Maybe we need to start a new website for user contests ;-).
konarkevents December 12, 2019
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Regine November 19, 2019
Dear Louisez, I am happy to see it is not just me. It is indeed harder to navigate for those of us who want to look at recipes and not “shop.”
Regine November 18, 2019
This may not be the right forum, but I miss the old Food52. The website now seems more geared towards the “shop” rather than recipes. Or maybe it is the new format of the website which I need to get used to.
louisez November 19, 2019
The new format can be harder to navigate, particularly if looking for recipes, especially new ones and ones not contributed by staff but by community members. The focus now not so much on cooking. I miss the old food52, too.

louisez November 19, 2019
Contests are, in part, a way to encourage community members to contribute recipes. But since the current format doesn't seem to encourage member recipes, contests may not be working as well
louisez November 12, 2019
Alas, I don't have a slow cooker. There are occasional contests like this one that require equipment one doesn't own or ingredients one doesn't use. To some degree, lack of participation may be happenstance.
AntoniaJames November 11, 2019
I'm wondering if the re-designed navigation bar at the top might be affecting this . . . it used to be when you landed on any page on this site, there was a prominent link to contests at the top t. Perhaps visitors to the site are unaware of the contests, as they are so rarely mentioned in the daily content, and because they occur so infrequently.
Another factor may be that Food52 is no longer publishing cookbooks with contest winning recipes. ;o)
Joanna S. November 11, 2019
Hi inpatskitchen! We wish there was more participation on this contest as well—we love testing all of your recipes! We're going to promote submissions on our social channels again, but would love to hear any thoughts you have about making contests more exciting in the future. In the mean time, our Facebook Clubs are another great way for people to get involved. Plus, sign-ups for our annual Holiday Swap are open and we hope everyone will participate!
inpatskitchen November 11, 2019
Hi Joanna! I think there are a couple of things that could be done. First maybe better promotion. The contest announcement hits the front page of the site for a couple of days and then gets buried for 2 months. The length of time for the contest is way too long. After a week or two people forget about it. Chops mentioned prizes as an incentive which might help but I really think a third Community written cookbook would really be special.
sexyLAMBCHOPx November 13, 2019
Aw, I miss you calling me Chops! : )
savorthis February 20, 2020
I stopped entering at all because they are so spread out and when I tend to check in they are usually already in testing. It seemed like there was just a real decline in community interaction which is what drew me in in the first place. That said, I finally entered the butter contest and really enjoyed the brainstorm process. Hopefully some changes get made that can resurface the contests again.
sexyLAMBCHOPx November 11, 2019
The prizes fueled the entries and validated the effort IMHO.
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