A question about a recipe: Creamy Homemade Ricotta is the cheesecloth the general type of cheesecloth or a muslin cheese cloth? Thx!
I have a question about step 3 on the recipe "Creamy Homemade Ricotta" from Jennifer Perillo. It says:
"Gently ladle the curds into the cheesecloth-lined strainer (this helps produce a fluffier, creamier curd, than pouring it into the strainer). When all the curds have been spooned into the bowl, pull the cheesecloth up the sides to loosely cover the ricotta in the strainer. Let sit for 10 minutes to drain (this will yield a very moist ricotta. If using for a cake recipe, you may want to let it drain longer for a drier consistency)."
And in a pinch, I've even used heavy-weight, bleach-free paper towels!