Will the Holiday Swap be happening in 2022

Last year Food52 did a holiday food swap that was a complete hit. We have been talking about it all year. Is this something that will be happening again in 2022?



43Cravings December 14, 2022
I'm in! I'd love to bring it back. I was Wondering what happened the past few years and especially this year as I looked forward to it so much! Im up for seasonal swappings if anyone is interested.
Amanda H. December 15, 2022
We'll bring it back next year -- this year was the only year we paused. Thanks for your interest!
Monica S. November 30, 2022
Oh this is so disappointing! I've been drying persimmons from my friend's tree and picking out the perfect ones to send for the swap. I was wondering why I hadn't heard anything yet and this came up when I googled. I'd love to do an exchange with anyone who is interested!
Savanna (. December 1, 2022
Monica let’s swap! Please email me at [email protected] to exchange details. 😊
Savanna (. November 28, 2022
If anyone here wants to swap still - I’m happy to exchange details!
Savanna (. November 28, 2022
I am so sad! This has become part of my Christmas tradition. Can’t wait for next year.
Rachelwrites November 12, 2022
Bakefest is having a sweet swap this year if anyone is interested.
Miss_Karen November 13, 2022
What is Bakefest & how to sign up?
Amanda H. November 8, 2022
Hi All -- letting you know we posted this year's collaboration, a Holiday Community Cookbook! https://food52.com/blog... And we'll be back next year with the Holiday Swap. I know it's disappointing that we weren't able to it this year -- I'm sad, too! -- we just didn't have a big enough team to pull it off, as it's a very manual initiative, involving matching more than 1,000 people and sending out individual notes to each, and more! I hope you'll share your family's holiday recipes and stories for the Community Cookbook -- we're excited to read about them!
MNadan November 6, 2022
So sad! I just discovered it last year and it was so much fun to make the box and then to open what I received!
Ginger S. November 3, 2022
Do you happen to know when registration for the 2022 swap will open?
Amanda H. November 2, 2022
We'll be bringing back the Holiday Swap next year! This year, we're going to do a form of recipe exchange -- announcement coming soon, so stay tuned!
Lesley J. November 2, 2022
I love the Holiday Swap, but will look forward to participating in a recipe swap too!
Rachelwrites November 3, 2022
Oh that's disappointing, I loved sending out (and receiving) goody boxes.
Linda K. November 3, 2022
Me too! Last year was the first time for me and I have been thinking about it ever since! Why not continue it again this year?
Miss_Karen November 4, 2022
I'd be delighted to exchange with you!!

I think downgrading to just a recipe exchange it a serious disappointment. I enjoyed putting my boxes together and sending them off.
The person who had my name last year put NO effort - NONE-into the box intended for me..It was pathetic.
The man who received the box I sent was so excited. I got an IMMEDIATE Thank you and an invite to visit if I'm ever in his neck of the woods.

So, maybe the Food52 Holiday Swap has passed it's prime? Just to do a recipe swap? Seriously?! You can get recipes for anything off the internet.....
Miss_Karen November 4, 2022
To Rachel and Linda
rustandivory November 11, 2022
I am so sad to hear this news too! If you are still looking to swap I would love too! I couldn’t find a way to contact you through your profile but my email is rustandivory @ gmail.com Happy Holidays! -Katie
Miss_Karen November 13, 2022
Miss_Karen November 14, 2022
Check your email box 🙂
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