Recipe and ingredients issue, mainly mushroom problems

I love to cook, but there are some recipes that I genuinely struggle with. Ones that have mushrooms or mushroom soup as an additive are especially difficult since I am allergic to mushrooms. I am not sure if I am allergic to all of them, but the majority of things that include them, I know I am. I don't know what to substitute it with and the recipes never seem to come out right because of that and I am not sure where to go from here. Also, one of my favorite pasta sauces is difficult to find in store now and ordering in bulk online is becoming more difficult. Del monte traditional pasta sauce is one that I have grown up on and love, since it's hard to find I struggle finding a good replacement because of my mushroom allergy.

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Nancy April 9, 2023
There is nothing quite like a mushroom, though there are lists of possible replacements in cooking.
Maybe try a few of these and/or look for new favorite soups.
If you want to use store-bought sauce, look at lists of "best tomato sauce" and those which are simplest. Or start making your own.
(if you do a large batch every few months, and store the extras, it's a bearable amount of work.)
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