dough is too wet for soft wheat -- suggestions requested to adjust water: flour ration

I've been trying to bake with a soft white wheat (blend of Italian Typo 000 white = bread home ground whole wheat) because my hubby has gluten sensitivity. It was far too wet in this recipe. Any suggestions for adjusting the recipe to accommodate it? photo of the flattened "balls" after final proofing :-(



Nancy July 16, 2023
An oblique or indirect answer.
Here's a gathering of recipes using Italian 00 flour (couldn't find ones for tipo 000), which have been built for that.
Maybe a better starting place than an English or American devised recipe which uses, as the Italian-based recipes remind us, different types and grinds of flour.
Good luck, and please report back on the evolving results!
BoiseCooks July 16, 2023
/sorry, 000 was a typo - should be 00. I did continue with shaping and baking. Worked a bit more flour into it as I shaped and then used a grill mat to grill at 550-600 and it ended up far better than I feared! Still, I'll try out recipes specific to that flour. Thank you!
Nancy July 16, 2023
Sounds good this time…keep going with your experiments to a loaf or two that works for your family.
Nancy July 16, 2023
PS my search for recipes?using tipi 00 flour was for bread (sorry, my error).

You could do another search for pizza dough using that flour,
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