What are the Nutritional Facts for this recipe?

  • 1 Comment

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702551 August 29, 2023
Most of the recipes on this site are submitted by community members. As such if you encounter a recipe without nutritional information, you'll have to plug the ingredients into a nutrition calculator.

There are plenty of sites online that do this as well as newer services which will process a URL. Based on what I've personally seen in speech-to-text transcription and other text processing features, I'm not sure if I'd trust these services much.

I have no specific site recommendations to give so you'll have to do a judicious search and pick a couple yourself. It's probably best for you to bookmark these because undoubtedly you'll encounter other recipes (online, deadtrees publications like cookbooks and magazines) without nutritional information.

In any case, the recipe author would have had to do the same herself. This particular recipe author does not provide nutritional data for any of her recipes so if you end up liking this cake, you'll probably want that nutritional calculator handy for other recipes from her.

Best of luck.
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