Juniper Berries in chicago

I’ve got two duck breasts and I’m going to turn one into Prosciutto and one into Speck. Prosciutto is a no brainer but the speck is mildly cold smoked and is dried with juniper berries. I’m in Chicago. Is anyone aware of a place I can pick some Juniper Berries up?

Garrett FitzGerald


Sam1148 May 5, 2011
Gin has juniper berries as a primary flavor. If you're doing a brine, a shot of gin could add the flavor. (I've splashed it on lamb chops on the grill before and it worked very well as a finishing flourish).
SKK May 5, 2011
I am with Sam - the savings and the freshness can't be beat when you buy bulk. And we have a World Spice Merchants here in Seattle I go to and for harder to find spices their prices are very reasonable. It was the only place I could find Mexican oregano - got an ounce for $1.25.
Sam1148 May 5, 2011
Call a local health food store that sells bulk spices. Mine has them. Plus, it's a great cheep way to restock your spices, I restock most everything once a year for about 10 bucks Vs 3-5 dollars for each little bottle at a supermarket.
The only draw back is you have to label and bag them yourself...I always make a mess with the turmeric.
SKK May 5, 2011
I got my juniper berries at Whole Foods in Seattle - my guess is a Whole Foods in Chicago would carry them.
Dabblings May 5, 2011
I get all my spices from My Spice Sage or from World Spice Merchants. Both companies have excellent quality spices. My Spice Sage is cheaper, and they also give you a sampler of something for free with every order. World Spice Merchants also sells teas which I enjoy and has a slightly larger list for hard to find spices. I would try one of those two. You won't be dissapointed.
fraichefoods May 5, 2011
Do you have a Penzey's spices? I always find them at Penzey's. You could also pick them off juniper bushes (evergreen bushes with little blue-greenish berries).
CookOnTheFly May 5, 2011
I use dried juniper berries in Sauerbraten, and the only place I can find them is at health food stores that also sell bulk spices. I'm not in the Chicago area, but I suggest you try that route.
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