Does the dough make 8 balls or 4?

The recipe says to divide the dough into 8, but then later says you only need 4 scallion pancakes. I'm assuming that means we could make half the amount of dough if we don't want 4 extra pancakes, but it isn't clear.

  • Posted by: Lauren
  • October 12, 2023
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Emmie October 15, 2023
Yes, the pancake recipe makes 8 pancakes (from the instructions and the quantity of flour in the dough--1 cup flour per pancake would be immense). Since it mentions you can use them "fresh or frozen", I'm guessing the intention of the recipe is to make a bunch of scallion pancakes--say, for a larger meal spread--and then the BEC is an idea of what you can do with them to serve 4 for breakfast.
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