Know of any menu-planning resources?

Is there a website or app that is specifically devoted to menu planning? I'd also be interested in hearing how all of you go about menu-planning, if you have any tips besides just racking your brain for ideas.



Bevi May 6, 2011
There are several free apps for the iPhone. You can find them within the Category icon under "Lifestyle"..type in "menu planner".
SKK May 6, 2011
Peter, yes yes and yes! Keep thinking - it is working.

Voted the Best Reply!

AntoniaJames May 6, 2011
Peter, to answer your question, not only would we enjoy it, I've been thinking over the past few weeks about how this could/should be the theme for Book 3. One compulsory component of the meal (a vetted existing recipe) would be chosen by the editors, with the others to be suggested by the contestants. No particular theme would be suggested; that would be shaped by the other dishes on the menu. One non-EP recipe (new or previously posted) could be proposed as part of the menu. In light of the large and ever-growing database of recipes with EP/finalist status (meaning they've been tested and reported on), this could be great fun, not to mention quite interesting. ;o)
linzarella May 6, 2011
Peter, that sounds so great. Balancing flavors and textures of multiple dishes, matching a menu to the season and the occasion, is just as much of an art as designing an individual recipe. I'd be really excited to see what the creative community of food52 could come up with here.
Peter May 6, 2011
Funny you should bring it up... we're actually cooking up (sorry, couldn't resist) a way for you fine folk here at Food52 to combine multiple recipes into menus.

In other words, anyone could pick and choose from among the thousands of recipes of Food52 to create and share your own custom combinations of dishes.

What do you think? Is this something you'd enjoy?
SKK May 6, 2011
If you mean weekly menu planning, just google it. There are a lot of resources online to support weekly planning and shopping. If you are interested in specific meals, I also use hardlikearmour's recommended epicurious site and most of my cookbooks have menu suggestions.
hardlikearmour May 6, 2011
Epicurious has some planned menu options you can use.
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