Sinkage in the middle of my loaf once baked

I have baked this recipe twice. Both times the middle of the loaf has sunk and been slightly doughier than the rest. The first time I thought my baking soda might have been a little old and not causing as much rising power. I just bought a brand new box of baking soda and the same issue was encountered again. Any tips for that?

  • Posted by: Chey
  • December 17, 2023


HalfPint December 20, 2023
I curious as to why the recipe uses baking soda and not baking powder. Pumpkin is an alkaline food. There does not seem to be an acidic ingredient to create the leavening. Usually with banana bread, there's brown sugar which is acidic, so the baking soda makes sense there. Is it suppose to be baking powder? If it is baking soda, could there be too much of it? I've had cake sink in the middle because there was too much leavening.
Irene Y. December 17, 2023
I've also noticed this depending on the oven I'm baking in, ie. if I bake it at a friend's house or an Airbnb kitchen, it might take longer to bake. It can help to bake until a wooden skewer or cake tester in the middle comes out clean!
Nancy December 17, 2023
Chey - you're right, old or inactive baking soda can cause breads to either not rise or sink. You've eliminated that possible cause with your new box.
Here is an article with more ideas - too moist flour, opening the oven door, etc.
Have a look and see if any of them may apply to your situation.
The article is technically about banana bread, but I apply their rules and cautions to all sweet breads with recipes like banana bread.
Good luck and I hope you fix the problem!,in%20a%20banana%20bread%20sinking.
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