What brand of dried beans did you use? I soaked a bag of Goya and after 8 hours they’re falling apart, and even more so after the 2 hour simmer.

Taylor Cullen
Gorgeous Gorgeous Gigante Beans
Recipe question for: Gorgeous Gorgeous Gigante Beans


Nancy May 14, 2024
Also, it may be the cooking time and not the brand of beans that’s giving you the too soft texture.

Other recipes for gigantes give 1 hour or 1 1/2 hr cooking time. Try them at those points when you next cook them and see if they are done to your taste.
Taylor C. May 14, 2024
They were splitting and broken after soaking. And I did pick through/ pulled out the broken pieces beforehand…
Nancy May 14, 2024
So that’s more helpful information - if the beans were splitting and broken, maybe they were also old enough to react badly to the long soaking and cooking times.

If you make this recipe again, it might be worth trying with newer, fresher beans or the (very good, more expensive than average) Rancho Gordo ones she uses.
Melina H. May 14, 2024
I use Rancho Gordo’s royal corona beans for this recipe, and as a general rule, for reliably plump beans of any kind that won’t fall apart.
Taylor C. May 14, 2024
Thank you! I’ll give those a try. The Goya brand beans were splitting after the 8 hour soak. And so many broke and aren’t plump after cooking. Kinda sad.
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