Quick soak dried fava beans?

I am making fava beans using dried beans. With all beans I do the quick soak method - bring to a boil for several minutes, take off burner and let sit for one hour before cooking. Can I do the same with fava beans? Thanks in advance!

  • Posted by: SKK
  • February 7, 2013


Daria F. February 9, 2013
Yep! I tried it and works just fine. Another method I used is cooking in the m in the Dutch oven. Cover beans with 1 inche of water and a pinch of salt and cook in 325 F with the lid on for about 75 min. If they are not done in time, add more water a cook a little longer.
Daria F. February 9, 2013
Yep! I tried it and works just fine. Another method I used is cooking in the m in the Dutch oven. Cover beans with 1 inche of water and a pinch of salt and cook in 325 F with the lid on for about 75 min. If they are not done in time, add more water a cook a little longer.
Athena103181 February 8, 2013
Quiche is meat and gluten free if you don't make a crust for it. It can also easily be made with simple ingredients you might have at home so you don't have to venture out in the snow.
susan G. February 7, 2013
http://www.hippressurecooking.com/2012/08/bessara-pressure-cooked-moroccan-fava.html -- another use. (I've had some dried favas for a long time. Must be my turn to use them!)
SKK February 7, 2013
Thanks, Susan! I don't have a pressure cooker. First time I have ever worked with fava beans. I did the quick soak method and peeled them before cooking as one website recommended. Well they have a wonderful flavor and are mushy. I wanted them for a salad, now they will be a soup.
susan G. February 7, 2013
Check www.hippressurecooking.com -- if you have a pressure cooker. I was amazed at what she can do, and she covers both favas and quick soak techniques.
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