What is the substitute for normal salt, please?

Diamond salt is hard to find in Miami let alone outside of the USA. Please, what is the equivalent for normal salt? Thanks.

  • Posted by: Elaine
  • October 21, 2024


Nancy October 21, 2024
Avoid table salt, which usually has iodine added and is granulated.
Rather, use sea salt or rock salt, which is flaked (like Diamond Crystal), for both cooking and garnishing.
Nancy October 21, 2024
Realized I misunderstood your question. Not how to find a replacement for the Diamond Crystal, but how to replace it with regular salt.
That answer is use half the original kosher salt measurement. Sources say it may take longer to dissolve and may have a different, slightly metallic taste.
If you can find it and want to use it, either sea or rick salt can be used 1:1 for original measurement and will act the same. Taste may be slightly different because of place of origin (evaporated sea salt or mined rock salt).
Hope this information helps.
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