how long does it take to dissolve eggshell in distilled vinegar?



seabirdskitchen May 21, 2011
Here's the actual link
seabirdskitchen May 21, 2011
There is good news and bad news. The bad far outweigs the good. So first the good news! It looks nice. Thetexture was what I wanted, and as you can see from the pic, good enough to eat. The reality is that there are 2 fatal flaws. One would have been enough.
First the membrane was rather like sausage casing. Rubbery, and unappetizing. So getting that off would need to have been a priority. Could maybe work around that, but it won't be worth it.
Second was that, as feared, the vinegar had penetrated too much and the whole thing was much to acid.Left a distinctly unpleasant taste for a long time. Now of course if it were on English chips, then a little salt and I would have been well away.
So thanks for following the experiment. We will put this in the "don't even bother to tweak" category!

Grr the photo wouldn't upload. You will have to take my word for it or go the blog to read the whole story.
marynn May 20, 2011
So essentially you are pickling and drawing the water out via osmosis. (7th grade science!)

I would LOVE to see a sous vide egg that does not have, pardon me, snotty whites yet retains that jelled yolk.
SeaJambon May 20, 2011
You might want to search for recipes for "pickled quail eggs". Those typically soft to hard boil the eggs first, then place in vinegar to dissolve the shell. Some indicate the shell will dissolve in 12 to 24 hours (but that's for quail -- not sure how that translates to chicken or other poultry eggs). Not sure what your ultimate goal is -- if it is pickling, try one of those recipes. If it is a general science experiment ... well, I'm curious what the intent would be after the shell is gone that couldn't be met by more traditional methods...
GiGi26 May 20, 2011
Oh, by the way if you leave an egg in vinegar for a week or so it will bounce without breaking. Another preschool experiment.
seabirdskitchen May 20, 2011
Watch this space! I will report back.
GiGi26 May 20, 2011
I did this experiment with my girls once. I believe it took 48 hours for the shell to completely desolve leaving the membrane intact. We didn't try to cook it though.
We changed the vinegar after the first 24 hours. Good luck. I'd love to know if you can really cook them.
seabirdskitchen May 20, 2011
My mother taught me not to play with my food, but she didn't say anything about ingredients!
But seriously, I was wondering whether it would be possible to dissolve the shell, leaving the membrane intact, then cook the egg(s) at 147 for a while (often mis described as sous vide - but there is no vacuum). I am hoping it will make the eggs easier to serve. Worry of course is that the vinegar flavor will overpower. Still if you don't fiddle with things you never learn! Anyhow, I am bored - Madame is out of town.
Snooping_sasha September 29, 2019
Why do u call her Madame?
nogaga May 20, 2011
Me too! Why are you wishing to dissolve eggshells in vinegar???
marynn May 20, 2011
I have no idea, but am insanely curious as to why you would want to...
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