How do i make curry chicken?

a Whole Foods Market Customer


pauljoseph June 26, 2011
josephineL Do not replace the curry leaves with bay leaves or lime leaves etc etc . Completely different flavours may harm the recipe more so than help it.Please dont substitute curry leaf with any other herb if you dont have curry leaf no problem do without curry we always do the same when I was studing in in Punjab India I always make south indian curry like sambar witout curry leaf absolutily no problem
josephineL June 26, 2011
pauljoseph If we don't have curry leaf do the recipe without it, is not a substitute
boulangere June 26, 2011
When in doubt, go with pauljoseph
pauljoseph June 26, 2011
Try this one of my favorate recipe
boulangere June 26, 2011
This link will take you to many wonderful ideas:
lorigoldsby June 26, 2011
Curried chicken can be sublimely simple or robustly complex. The simplest curry will have curry powder and coconut milk and you can try adding levels of flavor with a combination of cumin, cinnamon, cardamon, turmeric, and chilis/powder for heat. Serve over rice or couscous. I like to add pine nuts and olive oil to our multigrain couscous. If you sauté the chicken, use the coconut milk to help deglaze the pan. Don't forget the cilantro! Experiment and you will find a new combo that you love!
Panfusine June 26, 2011
This is a recipe from one of my favorite cook book authors..
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