Is plain pasta, mixed with Pesto a side dish I can serve?



Bevi July 26, 2011
Absolutely! If you want to turn it into a second main, or for some other time, add prosciutto fried up like bacon, and fresh peas. Top with grated parmesan. Delicious!
susan G. July 25, 2011
...and other vegetables can be added, like broccoli, green beans, yellow squash... on top of all the excellent answers already given. Spread that good pesto around!
SouffleBombay July 25, 2011
Yes, jazz it up with some roasted tomatoes or roasted pine nuts, if you have the time...the tomaotes will make the color wonderful!
nogaga July 25, 2011
Definitely! It might be especially delicious next to a main dish of fish ;)
SKK July 24, 2011
Of course. It can be served as a main dish also - there are so many ways to make pesto. Walnuts instead of pine nuts, parsley instead of basil ... the options are endless.
veghead July 24, 2011
Of course! If the pesto is a little thick, add a bit of pasta water. Top with some fresh grated parm.
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