can you defrost drumsticks in cold water?

  • Posted by: LeoCook
  • July 31, 2011


LeoCook July 31, 2011
Will definitely read it. Interesting.
LeoCook July 31, 2011
thanks, just looked up what USDA recommends and if you can't defrost in fridge...the safest way...the water method is next best.
Greenstuff July 31, 2011
Harold McGee just wrote a really interesting article about thawing in WARM water:
It focused on thin cuts of beef and chicken, so I wouldn't recommend it for your drumsticks. But take a look anyway--it turns some conventional wisdom over on its head.
mr C. July 31, 2011
Yes u can defrost drum sticks in cold water. Place them in a bowl in the sink and turn on water allow water to run slowly and consistently this will thaw chicken and make sure to keep food particles from settling.
pierino July 31, 2011
You can, but a microwave would be a better idea.
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