Foodies! I need help with birthday gift for my MIL. She's Puerto Rican and very into gourmet Latin cooking. Have you spotted any new Latin cookbooks, gadgets, or products lately?



boulangere July 27, 2011
Order some Yaucono coffee and check out some of the entries in the coffee contest.
kalander July 26, 2011
Buy her heirloom beans from Rancho Gordo!
luvcookbooks October 18, 2010
My Puerto Rican babysitter brought me a beautiful wooden mortar and pestle from Puerto Rico, then showed me how to make homemade mofongo with it. Your mil may already have the mortar and pestle and the mofongo making skills, tho. Also think a spice gift from The Spice House would be nice. They have all the aromatics you need in a Latin kitchen, also sell some kitchen implements like the microplane grater. They will package a gift for you.
betteirene October 15, 2010
Do you know if she's a fan of Daisy Martinez? Her cookbook called "Morning, Noon and NIght" came out earlier this year.
violist October 14, 2010
I always go to La for Spanish foods. Its exposed me to an appreciation, love, and understanding of Spanish foods. Check it out.
Jon P. October 14, 2010
If she's Puerto Rican and really into gourmet Latin cooking, I'm guessing that a lot of the stuff that Rick Bayless has put out would be an appropriate, high-quality gift. He deals primarily with Mexican cuisine, though.
mrslarkin October 14, 2010
Does she have a platanos peeler?
gabrielaskitchen October 14, 2010
Diana Kennedy just released her newest Mexican cookbook about food from Oaxaca. And one of my most cherish cookbooks, received as a gift, is "Frida's Fiestas." You could also buy her a cute apron from Etsy.
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