How do you cook dandilion greens?

a Whole Foods Market Customer


Ophelia September 14, 2011
I saute/braise mine for about 15 or 20 minutes with olive oil, lemon juice and just a touch of salt. It's hard to resist pulling them off too early, but they're not done until they're a little mushy and a sort of drab brown/green colour that you would normally associate with greens being overcooked; if they aren't this colour they taste bitter and make your mouth feel weird.
pierino September 14, 2011
In Italy they cook ciccoria (similar to dandelion) this way. They boil or steam them, overcooking by American standards and then dress with an anchovie vinaigrette which is out of this world.
wssmom September 13, 2011
Dandelion greens can be treated like many other greens. They are lovely with the end stems trimmed, then boiled for 10 minutes, drained, and then sauteed with some garlic and olive oil.
lovesitc September 13, 2011
I saute them simply with a bit of butter . . ....I chop them into manageable slices and saute for about 20mins . . . .a bit of salt and pepper, and they're delish.
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