Chef Jose Andres challenged us to ask great questions during the Q&A at his Harvard lecture on Tuesday. Please email your questions to ourcookquest [at] gmail [dot] com or post here. Prefer email on the off chance that he may come to the site and peek. Need responses by Monday 9 PM EST, so we can vote for the best. Let's make him work!!!

This post was approved by Ms. Hesser.

Rich Shih


Rich S. October 25, 2010
I only have two questions so far that are not my own. I'd like to have a better representation of thoughtful inquiries from all over. His specific words were "bring it on" when he posted on Twitter. Let's do so.
pierino October 24, 2010
Are foams, "espumas", over as a technique?

Also, Spain was the zeitgeist of the American restaurant scene in the first decade of this new century. What's next?
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