All of a sudden I started getting emails from food52 saying that additional answers have been posted to a question I answered. How do I stop
I did not change anything on my profile nor can I see anywhere to turn it off! Please make it stop!!
Recommended by Food52
1. Click the icon in the top right corner
2. From the drop-down menu, click "Email & Newsletter Preferences"
3. Tell us when you'd like to be notified (and when you wouldn't) by checking and unchecking the appropriate boxes
4. Click "Save Account Info"
This should do the trick, but if you have any questions please feel free to write us at [email protected]. Happy to help.
Also, just to be clear, we don't see this as a forum, or a place for hit-and-run commentary -- if you participate on Food52, it's implicit that you're willing to be a part of an interactive community. This doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to control some portion of that interactivity, but respecting and taking an interest in other people's contributions is important.
I like this forum but not enough to jam up my mail with unwanted and unasked for responses.
I'm outta here! Good luck.
Voted the Best Reply!