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How soon after guests arrive should I serve dinner?

  • Posted by: Food52
  • October 12, 2011


Sam1148 October 13, 2011
How soon..it depends on when that 'one' family member that's chronically late finally arrives, or when everyone has finished with small talk and sit down and a consensus is formed "okay they're far too late now, lets start"
enbe October 13, 2011
Ha! A plan? What a joke. I serve my guests when I've managed to get my course ready- but I'm a terrible kitchen planner. That said, I always have snacks & drinks (preferably an interesting cocktail so my guests feel like they've already started in on the interesting flavors).

I also totally agree with Panfusine, it depends on the crowd.
Panfusine October 13, 2011
depends upon the number of guests.. if its a small close knit group, give it about 1/2 hr of drinks appetizers & start setting the table, this way, the dinner would get going at about 45 minutes..For a larger number of guests, give it 15 mins more.. this way you get a bit of extra time to set up, while the guests mingle! (just make sure the beverages, appetizers & snacks are a plenty )
mkefoodie October 13, 2011
I base it on number of guests and flow. If I'm at my home where there are a few small rooms and a few more people I make it an hour to allow mingling, because flow isn't as quick as if it was party of 5, starting at my kitchen island.
mkefoodie October 13, 2011
I base it on number of guests and flow. If I'm at my home where there are a few small rooms and a few more people I make it an hour to allow mingling, because flow isn't as quick as if it was party of 5, starting at my kitchen island.
mkefoodie October 13, 2011
I base it on number of guests and flow. If I'm at my home where there are a few small rooms and a few more people I make it an hour to allow mingling, because flow isn't as quick as if it was party of 5, starting at my kitchen island.
mkefoodie October 13, 2011
I base it on number of guests and flow. If I'm at my home where there are a few small rooms and a few more people I make it an hour to allow mingling, because flow isn't as quick as if it was party of 5, starting at my kitchen island.
ApronAdventures October 13, 2011
30-45 minutes (assuming you've got a nice, light appetizer and delicious bottle of wine to enjoy while they wait)!
thirschfeld October 13, 2011
I never ever put a time limit on it, but if you want I suppose you could call it the two cocktail timer, which should never be rushed but savored.
Helen's A. October 12, 2011
I usually plan on about an hour since I don't like to rush people & expect help/entertainment in the kitchen.
Food52 October 12, 2011
Fantastic -- thanks, Everyone!
Robin O. October 12, 2011
I think 30 - 45 minutes, just enough time for a cocktail.
Rivka October 12, 2011
I'll split the difference at 45 minutes - long enough that it doesn't feel rushed, soon enough that guests won't start to wonder how long the party will be. If there are enough apps and drinks to go around, throw caution to the wind and start when the food's ready.
boulangere October 12, 2011
30 minutes to an hour allows for late-is arrivals, better timing in the kitchen, and jovial conversation over some appetizers and drinks.
sdebrango October 12, 2011
I think an hour, giving your guests time to have a drink and some appetizers before the dinner
JessicaBakes October 12, 2011
Assuming you have a couple appetizer plates and good wine, 30 minutes- 1 hour
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