Halloween Food

This is not a burning question, just a fun notification. In the latest People magazine, Ellie Krieger features a recipe for whole wheat "fingers" with almond slices for nails. Check it out!

  • Posted by: Bevi
  • October 16, 2011


SKK October 26, 2011
Bevi, here are the grossest Halloween fingers ever! I don't think I could bring myself to even make them!
http://simplysogood.blogspot.com/2011/10/creepy-witchs-fingers.html Tried to upload a photo and the add image was having none of it!
Bevi October 26, 2011
Truly the creepiest of the creepy, SKK! I don't think we can upload, but I encourage checking these out.
LucyS October 16, 2011
Whoa, apologies for so many postings... I kept getting an error message so I kept trying, and no delete button!
Sasha (. October 16, 2011
Lucy, here's a neat idea from Kazakhstan - Chak Chak... homemade noodles fried in butter and then tossed with sugar/honey mixture (it sticks together like rice krispy treats, but looks like brains!). They eat it in Kazakhstan at regular parties, but I think it would make a great Halloween treat.
SKK October 16, 2011
This is a neat idea and I am jealous you have been in Kazakhstan - I really want to go there!
LucyS October 16, 2011
These are so cute! Does anyone have other neat Halloween ideas? There are kids who trick or treat in my building for the first time ever and I am beyond excited.
LucyS October 16, 2011
These are so cute! Does anyone have other neat Halloween ideas? There are kids who trick or treat in my building for the first time ever and I am beyond excited.
LucyS October 16, 2011
These are so cute! Does anyone have other neat Halloween ideas? There are kids who trick or treat in my building for the first time ever and I am beyond excited.
LucyS October 16, 2011
These are so cute! Does anyone have other neat Halloween ideas? There are kids who trick or treat in my building for the first time ever and I am beyond excited.
SKK October 16, 2011
You are so great to be excited! Kids who are trick or treat age don't like creepy, and mom's insist on wrapped candy. Biggest success has been our family being in costume (not too scary) and kids coming in and picking out their own candy from bowls. We also took Polaroid pictures to give them - do they still have those?
sdebrango October 16, 2011
Saw these from Martha Stewart, creepy and cool!
SKK October 16, 2011
I made these for a Halloween party for my daughter and her friends when she was much younger and here is the recipe I used http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Finger-Cookies-232939 Everyone was sufficiently creeped out, including me. I could eat them!
sdebrango October 16, 2011
I went to people mag online and it wasn't there. I have to see this, will check out the magazine. Thanks
susan G. October 16, 2011
I saw something similar with glossy red fingernails. Creepy!
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