I'm confused
I just saw a post on the home page about tasting something in conjunction with "this week's best fish recipe," or words to that effect. And now it's gone. The current contest just shows the Best Confections. Have I missed something?
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Also the cooks who follow me have disappeared, possibly forever ... I'll always have the memories!!
Overall, I understand why the site has been upgraded and have faith that the significant problems will be sorted out. I am ok with mixed food pickles as long as they can be searched/sorted better in the future.
They'll get it straightened out eventually as the crowd sourcing of recipes/contests/suggestions are their major draw. Some buttons have been changed...and we're all confused until we get oriented. Some buttons are missing. (Oh edit button for hotline/pickle I miss you).
I have a great trust in the site owners and staff. But, Also sometimes on deploying a complete 'reboot' of a site causes chaos for old timers used to the old site.
Yes, I've experienced some navigation issues, some of which where recipes from way in the past, re posted on the front page and difficult to find when they were not featured.
On the home page..I've noticed they're going to the 'way machine' mentioning things that got hits in the past..and those seem to rotate. Sometimes there..sometimes not. Searching for those can be hard because sometimes they're not user recipes but in a different search tag for the site for 'featured' (something like that I remember...it's confusing to me too (g). ). It seems to be a another search tag you have to add..for 'blog' or something.
I consider the redesign a 'beta test' and our comments help them to make a better site.