Gluten-free Gravy Tricks: What is the best substitute for wheat flour in a gravy that starts with a roux made with butter and flour? ;o)

I'll be making gravy using my "Make Ahead Turkey Gravy" recipe, if that makes any difference. Thanks so much, everyone. ;o)



Anitalectric November 21, 2011
I always use brown rice flour when I make roux for gravy. It comes out just as good as with wheat flour and you just slowly toast it with the fat the same way. Good texture, subtle flavor...good stuff!
vvvanessa November 20, 2011
i find mochi/sweet rice flour to be the best substitute when making a roux. i have a recipe for garbanzo bean gravy that uses garbanzo flour, and that can work, too, but it does impart a distinct flavor, and you have to whip the bejeebles out of it, but it's tasty.
meganvt01 November 20, 2011
I always just throw in some corn starch as needed to thicken it - like many of the traditional chinese sauces.
Kristen M. November 20, 2011
Hi AJ, Gluten-free Girl walks through the whole process here (she likes sorghum and sweet rice flours): But (spoiler alert) -- the 3-minute gravy that A&M make in a video on our Holiday iPad app has no flour at all. I believe they use just wine, stock, herbs and of course the brown bits, reduced down more like a pan sauce, and you can mount it with butter at the end too.
AntoniaJames November 20, 2011
Kristen, can the A&M no-starch method be used with a brined turkey? I noticed that elanaspantry has a recipe here, which involves cooking down onions and blitzing them with reduced stock, which sounds good. I don't have time to get sorghum and sweet rice flours between now and T-Day (though I do have some regular rice flour and some potato starch on hand). I like the idea of a stock + wine reduction. Although I'm brining my bird, I'm roasting the back and neck separately, to make my stock (tomorrow night!), so I could use A&M's method with the drippings from them. Thanks! .;o)
Kristen M. November 21, 2011
Yes, absolutely -- just be sure you use an unsalted stock so you can control for the seasoning in the final sauce. More un-brined drippings can't hurt either!
sdebrango November 20, 2011
Here is a link to gluten free girls gravy,
It looks like she uses 2 types of flours, sorghum and sweet rice. She also said you can use cornstarch.
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