What can I do with all my Thanksgiving turkey leftovers?

I don't won't to throw all the turkey away. Are there any easy recipes that I can make with leftover frozen turkey or should I toss it?



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Niknud November 28, 2011
We always do Thanksgiving Fried Breakfast at our house. Mix equal parts stuffing, mashed pots, cubed turkey and anything else that suits your fancy. Fry in obscene amounts of butter until it's crispy on the outside and serve with a fried egg (and hot sauce, melted cheese, sour cream, guacamole, etc.) on top.
BoulderGalinTokyo November 28, 2011
Try my Turkey Shiitake Kumquat Quiche. I love turkey leftovers. I roast a turkey between holidays so I can freeze the meat and make various dishes.
Angela,LaFollette November 28, 2011
Thanks for the help everyone! I am glad that I can use my leftover turkey with these creative recipes.
ashipper November 27, 2011
NYTimes recently had 2 stories on this very topic.

David Tanis published a Mexican-inspired turkey soup recipe that looks promising: http://dinersjournal.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/21/what-can-i-make-with-leftover-turkey-besides-sandwiches/

And of course Mark Bittman provided plenty of inspiration:
bigpan November 27, 2011
I make a batch of turkey ala king, or your basic pot pie filling. Freeze in small batches and bring out to make with fresh pastry for a or pie, or with pasta, or just on toast. I also freeze slices for future sandwiches. I always use a vacuum packer.
AntoniaJames November 27, 2011
Two Thanksgivings ago, there was a contest on just this topic (Best Recipe with Leftover Turkey). http://www.food52.com/contests/81 WinnieAb's Pho is excellent. When you freeze the turkey, try to put it in a box with some stock or gravy or other sauce. The meat will hold up better through the freezing process if you do. The recipe I submitted for that contest, called "Turkey Sort of Stroganoff" works well with leftover turkey that's been frozen. (We have many more leftovers than we can consume, so I always freeze quite a bit of turkey and work my way through it during December!!) ;o)
Helen's A. November 27, 2011
I made stock from the carcass, then used that to make a gumbo with the left over meat... It freezes wonderfully. I made a rustic potato and leek soup from the rest of the mashed potatoes and whipping cream.
lorigoldsby November 27, 2011
If you make a pot pie, it will freeze nicely and be very welcome in a few weeks when u are harried and hassles. Same with turkey enchiladas...freeze beautifully.
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