What is quorn meat?



pierino December 1, 2011
It seems quorn is the Spam of the vegan world.
Sadassa_Ulna December 1, 2011
from Wikipedia:
Quorn is the leading brand of mycoprotein food product in the UK and Ireland. The mycoprotein used to produce Quorn is extracted from a fungus, Fusarium venenatum, which is grown in large vats.
susan G. December 1, 2011
It's not meat, of course not -- they don't call it that, they call it vegetarian.
We're fans of Quorn. It's easy to use, fills in for the 'other' stuff, and tastes fine! We use only the unseasoned kind, not the preseasoned varieties.
beyondcelery December 1, 2011
@pierino: Hear hear!
pierino December 1, 2011
It's one of those silly vegan things. Don't call it meat if it's not.
beyondcelery December 1, 2011
It's a vegetarian fake meat product made mainly with mushrooms and some veggies. It usually contains gluten as a binder.
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