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Bisi bela
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9 Reviews
Annada R.
July 3, 2021
The masala looks SO GOOD. I bet it can be used across recipes too like a saucy sabji.
July 3, 2021
As a Karnataka native I am disappointed to see you guys could not even get the name of the dish right. It’s Bisi Bele Bath and not bisi bela which does not really make sense. Please get the details right before you actually make a recipe and publish it!
May 20, 2017
Why no okra? Do you just not like it or does it do something to the recipe that ruins it? Just curious. I love okra and don't understand if you're instructing to omit it because you don't like it. Please respond. I need to know! 🙃
May 20, 2017
just never seen Okra ever used in the recipe ever. (I tend to take potshots at Okra independently, got discouraged from eating the veggie for eternity apparently due to peer pressure from older cousins, when I was a kid)
May 20, 2017
LOL! I love okra! Slime and all (slimy is a highly underrated texture says Gail Simmons and I agree). Thanks for the clarity and I hope your cousins get sick on okra for ruining it for you! 🤤
February 28, 2013
I recall this well. Thanks for bringing it back to remind me to make it again. Your recipes are always so deep in cultural and culinary information.
March 27, 2011
This sounds really nice! If I had the ingredients on hand I would volunteer try this, but I am preparing to leave town and don't have much time available before then.
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