Squid and Celery Stir Fry
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8 Reviews
May 9, 2023
At last, a starring role for celery - loved it! Had no squid to hand but desperate to use up my celery so used basa instead, without pre-blanching. Also, I wasn’t thinking straight and used fish sauce instead of soy but I think it gave it a nice kick actually! Will eventually make this with squid and soy as written, when I get some more celery :)
January 18, 2014
Made this last night and loved it. I doubled the squid, quadrupled the celery and tripled the sauce [I was tired and making things easy on myself. Next time I vow to embrace the math.] The celery released a bunch of its juice, and so my sauce didn't thicken around the stir fry as much as I imagine is intended. I was in awe, however, at how tender my squid ended up, despite my keeping it on the heat longer in an attempt to reduce my abundant sauce. Is that the result of the initial boiling water rinse? I'm hypothesizing that it makes the outer most protein network contract and seal in the moisture. Is that what's going on there? I'd imagine this technique could foolproof most squid cooking methods, save for frying . . .
March 24, 2012
Lucky me, I get to be your 1000 view! I was a little sad to see you didn't get a Community Pick for this recipe. I have a similar recipe without garlic, more like a vinegar marinade, but with the sesame oil. I read the question and I don't understand her question either. I thought you explained it very well (cutting the ika) but a picture might make it more visual for so many Americans who have never tasted squid.
March 25, 2012
Thanks for your comment. I am not so disappointed since some readers sent me the positive comments : ) I will try your vinegar marinade next time. That sounds good too!
Peter A.
March 11, 2012
This looks magnificent. We do a webcomic about celery and I was looking at recipes
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