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Fava and Fresh Ricotta Crostini
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18 Reviews
August 1, 2014
I just made this and holy moly, it's delicious! I didn't bother to coat the pods in olive before roasting (mostly because I didn't want to wash my roasting rack because it's hot outside and I'm lazy), and I used store-made ricotta (again, hot and lazy), and yet this was still really delicious! Thanks for a great recipe :)
April 19, 2015
CarlaCooks, I am right there with you on hot and lazy! I'm glad you found a method that works for you! And I'm glad you enjoyed the recipe. Thanks for the note!
May 11, 2011
I love the combination of ricotta and fava beans. But I've never roasted my favas, what a great idea! I haven't made fresh ricotta before but have always used buttermilk. You've motivated me to make some now, but I want to try your recipe! Thanks for posting this.
June 17, 2011
i've never made ricotta with buttermilk, and now i'm inspired to try your method : )
May 10, 2011
Good call! Wish I'd tackled a fava crostini for this week's theme. :)
May 11, 2011
there's no reason you shouldn't-- there's at least one other fava crostini recipe entered already, and who wouldn't love a food52 fava crostini smackdown? : )
May 8, 2011
Love everything about this recipe! I've never roasted fava beans before and can't wait to try it!
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