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Sauteed Fern Shoots (or Asparagus) and Shrimp with Lemon Balm Pesto
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9 Reviews
May 15, 2011
This recipe completely shouts "spring". In Vermont, we call the fern shoots...fiddleheads. Well, I think we are taking about the same thing? Outside I see fiddleheads every where...yum. Our spring is bursting at the seams right now.
May 16, 2011
Thank you, SueSLP! Yes, as far as I know, pohole is the type of edible fern shoot that you call fiddlehead, that grows here. I would love to hear your thoughts about it if you try it.
May 13, 2011
NOTE: I made this again tonight, however I had made the rice noodles earlier in the day. Prepared as written above (with the noodles lightly coated in a drizzle of sesame or olive oil - I found it easiest to coat by tossing oiled noodles with my fingers) if you place a damp paper towel over the surface of the noodles and then cover the bowl with saran wrap, the noodles can be made up to 6 hours in advance and they will be perfectly cooked for this recipe. Just remove the bowl from the refrigerator while you are prepping the rest of the recipe and toss lightly with your fingers to make sure they are not sticky (mine were not sticky at all).
May 12, 2011
The Lemon Pesto sounds soo divine!
May 12, 2011
Thank you, Panfusine! I posted this in a rush, and forgot to include that it would make a lovely vegetarian dish without the shrimp.
Burnt O.
May 12, 2011
Sigh...I am going to be making recipes from this week's contest for weeks. You get lemon balm in your CSA?? Oh - I miss Hawaii! This sounds absolutely lovely. I doubt I can find fern shoots, or fresh lemon balm here, but it sounds amazing. I can get fiddle heads right now, perhaps I can come up with a lemon pesto instead.
May 12, 2011
Thanks, Linda! I feel the same way...there are so many good looking spring recipes posted. The lemon balm is has a lovely fragrance and subtle grassy lemon flavor. Maybe a combination of lemon basil and lemon grass with the mint? This was the first time there was lemon balm, but I'm so glad - I'm definitely going to plant some in my garden!
May 12, 2011
Wow, this sounds like heaven! I will have to wait for my lemon grass to grow, and probably by that time will need to sub asparagus but this is definitely on my to-do list.
May 12, 2011
Thank you, hardlikearmour! It was really yummy and came together quickly for a flavorful weeknight meal!
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