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Deviled Eggs, Purgatory Edition
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13 Reviews
January 12, 2024
This is a very good recipe! I made it the same way but added a little bit of black sturgeon caviar. By the way, if you want to repeat what I did, then buy caviar from , they have the lowest prices and fast delivery.
Peggy G.
January 22, 2022
Link to Food 52 Article: Best way to Peel Hard Boiled Eggs:
Peggy G.
January 22, 2022
Best and easy way to peel hard boiled eggs:
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Credit: Photo: Ghazalle Badiozamani; Food Styling: Brett Regot
Egg-Peeling Trick: Peel Under Water
Peeling time, recently cooked eggs: 13 seconds (steamed); 15 seconds (boiled)
Peeling time, aged eggs: 16 seconds (steamed); 15 seconds (boiled)
Rating: 10/10
About This Method: This technique from Food52 starts by filling a bowl (I used a medium-sized, fairly deep one) with room-temperature water. Working with one egg at a time, you submerge the egg under water in the bowl. You then crack it against the bottom or side of the bowl, and slip off the shell underwater.
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Credit: Photo: Ghazalle Badiozamani; Food Styling: Brett Regot
Egg-Peeling Trick: Peel Under Water
Peeling time, recently cooked eggs: 13 seconds (steamed); 15 seconds (boiled)
Peeling time, aged eggs: 16 seconds (steamed); 15 seconds (boiled)
Rating: 10/10
About This Method: This technique from Food52 starts by filling a bowl (I used a medium-sized, fairly deep one) with room-temperature water. Working with one egg at a time, you submerge the egg under water in the bowl. You then crack it against the bottom or side of the bowl, and slip off the shell underwater.
July 22, 2015
I like this recipe but it is far from "Purgatory" style. Purgatory, by definition is far from being H*ll. If your equating these eggs with H*ll then we need to add some *heat* !
(Just joking, but some sriracha or cayenne might be good). : )
(Just joking, but some sriracha or cayenne might be good). : )
November 28, 2014
I served these for an early Thanksgiving gathering and they are fantastic. We topped half of them with nigella seeds and the other half with sumac.
March 6, 2014
I, too, avoid yolks for health reasons (but have a difficult time doing it). Your suggestions are amazing. Why didn't I think of those? You got me with the guacamole. For the rest of the family, it is going to have to remain yolks but now I can eat happily!
I, too, avoid yolks for health reasons (but have a difficult time doing it). Your suggestions are amazing. Why didn't I think of those? You got me with the guacamole. For the rest of the family, it is going to have to remain yolks but now I can eat happily!
July 22, 2015
Too bad yolks are off your list because the yolk of the egg has the most vitamin content and 1/2 the protein in an egg. The white has only protein and trace anything else.
Yolks have loads of vitamins including omegas and folate.
I am a senior and have eggs almost every day without any problem. But, everyone is different. I would rather have eggs than red meat which has 83% cholesterol per pound of lean beef.
Yolks have loads of vitamins including omegas and folate.
I am a senior and have eggs almost every day without any problem. But, everyone is different. I would rather have eggs than red meat which has 83% cholesterol per pound of lean beef.
March 2, 2014
I, unfortunately, avoid egg yolks for health reasons, boo, hoo. When I saw this recipe, I though that is what it was about. For others who need to avoid egg yolks, but still wish to enjoy stuffed eggs, here are some suggestions:
If avoiding egg yolks, fill with guacamole or seasoned cottage cheese or cream cheese or hummus. OR, chop additional egg whites for fillings, and flavor Southwest style with a chile and ground cumin, OR, Mediterranean with hummus, sun-dried tomatoes. Tuna, and plain yogurt or cottage cheese could make another filling. For one that could satisfy all your eaters: smoked salmon and cream cheese, topped with a cheery slice of pimento and a sliced olive.
If avoiding egg yolks, fill with guacamole or seasoned cottage cheese or cream cheese or hummus. OR, chop additional egg whites for fillings, and flavor Southwest style with a chile and ground cumin, OR, Mediterranean with hummus, sun-dried tomatoes. Tuna, and plain yogurt or cottage cheese could make another filling. For one that could satisfy all your eaters: smoked salmon and cream cheese, topped with a cheery slice of pimento and a sliced olive.
February 26, 2014
I won a Wildcard?! Who knew. Thanks, guys! My new party trick is to make half the eggs this way and half with all mayo, and see which go first.
February 26, 2014
Congrats! We made these, as noted in my comment below, using (i) chopped homemade Kosher dills; (2) chopped picholine olives; (3) dukkah (my own blend); and an anchovy/toasted almond/parsley gremolata. Wish I could tell you which went first. My son took them out to the block party. By the time I'd removed my apron, made myself more presentable and walked down the block to the party, they were, every last one the 2.5 dozen, gone. (I was told the kids really liked them! I sure did, having made sure to share a sample of each one in the kitchen.) ;o)
June 30, 2011
Love these! What a nice recipe. I'm crazy about deviled eggs. These are such good ideas for fun, different fillings. How timely, too. I plan to wow the neighbors with these at the Big Block Party Food Fest on Monday.;o)
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