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Summer Melon Salad with Harissa, Feta, and Mint
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18 Reviews
January 16, 2014
I just made this tonight (out of season, I know), and I loved it! I have a big jar of homemade harissa, and some mint leaves so I needed a way to use both of them. I used tofu instead of feta, which I marinated in red wine vinegar, EVOO, and herbs - it went perfectly! I know that olives can also work where hard, salty cheeses are called for. Thanks for sharing this!
Jackie H.
September 12, 2013
What's harissa?
September 12, 2013
Hi Jackie -- harissa is a Tunisian chile sauce that's made with a mix of chiles, olive oil and garlic and often contains spices and herbs. You can buy it in small jars or make your own. See Scribbles' comment below -- she made her own using this Food52 recipe ( While it's not the same, I've made this salad before with a generous amount of Aleppo pepper flakes and it's good that way, too.
August 28, 2013
I've been thinking I need to do something "special" with the last of our cherry tomato plant's fruit--this salad might just be it!
August 28, 2013
I have some cucumbers looking for a home. I think they just found it :-) This looks wonderful. Many congrats EmilyC!
August 28, 2013
Thanks Susan! I just made it a few days ago to use up some cucumbers and melon. Hope you enjoy it if you give it a go!
August 22, 2013
The salad was great! Lite and refreshing and went along perfectly with the trout. I used TasteFood's Harissa recipe that I found here on Food52 - very easy to make, tasty and easy to modify the heat level. I've got a nice jar of it my fridge and am dreaming of things to put it on.
August 19, 2013
Emily, I made this salad last night and my family devoured it! Thank you for sharing your recipe. What a fantastic summer treat! :)
August 21, 2013
Hannah -- this is so lovely to hear! I'm so happy that you tried and liked it! Thanks for your note.
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