Serves a Crowd

Fig crumble with blueberries and wild plum

July  6, 2011
0 Ratings
  • Serves 8
Author Notes

I picked up a jar of wild plum preserves with vanilla bean at the Farmer's market in Mill Valley, Ca. It seemed the perfect ingredient to add to a crumble made from fresh blueberries and black mission figs. The topping has cardamom and the sum total is heavenly. —lime lassi

  • 2 pints fresh blueberries
  • 1 pint Fresh black mission figs
  • 1/2 cup wild plum preserves with vanilla
  • 3 tablespoons white grape juice
  • 6 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamom
  1. Wash and pat dry the fruit. Place the blueberries in a large baking dish, add the wild plum preserves and the white grape juice, and brown sugar. Toss to evenly coat the fruit. The amount of white grape juice depends on the thickness of the plum preserves and the natural juiciness of the blueberries. Add until the preserves are able to form a silky sauce. Slice the figs in half and nestle them into the berries cut side up.
  2. In a mixing bowl add the flour and cardamom. Mix well then add the brown sugar. Use your hands to distribute it and break up any clumps. Cut in the butter until all the flour mixture is incorporated yet it has a coarse and crumbly texture.
  3. Drop handfuls of the crumble over the dish of fruit until all the fruit is covered. Bake at 355 ° for about 55 minutes. Serve with vanilla ice cream.

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3 Reviews

Lori J. August 14, 2018
Flour is mentioned in the directions but none is listed in the ingredients..... how much flour is needed? Sounds delicious and looking forward to trying.
lime L. August 15, 2018
Sorry about that omission ! It should be 3/4 c. flour. Since the original post, I have been experimenting with adding texture to the crumble by blending the flour : to 1/2 c. unbleaced white flour try adding 1/4 c. almond flour or coconut flour. An addition of 2 tsp. almond paste to the crumble is wonderful, too.
Ms. T. July 7, 2011
This is making my mouth water. Luckily, I know exactly where to get those preserves...Beautiful photo too!