Grilled Steak with Watercress, Blue Cheese, and Tomato
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14 Reviews
July 10, 2015
This sounds so good! I've got our steaks in this marinade right now. I'm getting hungry just thinking about them. ;o) P.S. I've made a mental note that this would be a great marinade to use when freezing steaks. Mr T and I cannot eat a whole flank steak, so I often cut one in half, to freeze in the marinade. I have a huge rosemary bush on the retaining wall out back, and always seem to have red wine on hand, so this is just perfect.
July 10, 2015
Hi AJ -- let me know how you like the marinade! It's an old favorite of mine though I haven't made it in a long time. Thanks for the reminder! : )
April 4, 2013
Well I had watercress and all the salad ingredients but no steak so I just made the salad and it was delicious.
April 5, 2013
S happy to hear this, Maureen! I'm glad you didn't let the lack of steak prevent you from making the salad! : )
July 31, 2011
I have a question about your measurements..... Does the "T" stand for tablespoon or teaspoon? Thanks!! ;0
July 31, 2011
The "T" stands for Tablespoon, and I use "tsp" for teaspoon. Hope you like the dish!
July 31, 2011
Thanks! I thought so but just wanted to make sure before I started adding ingredients. I'm delighted that I actually was able to find watercress today.....
July 18, 2011
This sounds like a really perfect summer dinner. Yum!
July 18, 2011
Thanks very much! By the way, I'm dying to try your raspberry muffins...I know I'll love them, and I know I'll eat too many of them!
July 18, 2011
This sounds really wonderful, EmilyC. Love the red wine and rosemary marinade for the steak, and the watercress and blue cheese salad sounds like the perfect accompaniment for the steak. A perfect dinner for a warm summer evening!
July 18, 2011
Thanks cookinginvictoria! And I agree...a steak salad on a summer evening is hard to beat! It's great when you can make dinner on the grill and not turn on the stove.
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